Orchard Hill Church Blog

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Preparing for Easter: Trust in the Lord
Easter David Bowens Easter David Bowens

Preparing for Easter: Trust in the Lord

Psalm 121 starts with a question: “Where does my help come from?” With this statement, the writer expresses a feeling that every person can identify within our own times of struggle. As human beings, we tend to look to man and seek help from sources that we can see, or by what we can gain for ourselves. But Psalm 121 offers us a different perspective.

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Preparing for Easter: Hope in Christ’s Resurrection & Return
Easter Jenette Cline Easter Jenette Cline

Preparing for Easter: Hope in Christ’s Resurrection & Return

As I read through Romans 8:11-25 today, I couldn’t help but see the current state of our world. The picture of our present reality couldn't have been painted more clearly. The Spirit that we’ve received from the Father does not make us slaves that live in fear but reminds us that we’ve been adopted to sonship! 

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Preparing for Easter: Life in the Spirit
Easter Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Easter Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Preparing for Easter: Life in the Spirit

It is easy to read Romans 8 as a religious person and miss its challenge. At first, this passage seems to show the distinction between good people and bad people. If we read Romans 8 and think “there are bad people who just react to their flesh, and then there are good people like me,” we’ve missed the point. 

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Preparing for Easter: The Word of God
Easter Chris Jamison Easter Chris Jamison

Preparing for Easter: The Word of God

You may have heard it said that followers of Christ are in the world but not of the world. What this means is, through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we realize that this world is simply a stop on our way to the Kingdom of Heaven, our final destination.

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Preparing for Easter: Christ's Love for the Church
Easter JoAnn Adams Easter JoAnn Adams

Preparing for Easter: Christ's Love for the Church

John 17 is typically referred to as “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer,” and in the section of the prayer we’re looking at today, Jesus prays for his disciples. After providing the Twelve with some of the most challenging and profound words He ever spoke to them, Jesus now prays to the Father for these friends He loves.

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 87 - Should a Christian Sue Someone?
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 87 - Should a Christian Sue Someone?

This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and corporate attorney Krista Thompson sit down to have a conversation about if Christians should sue or bring lawsuits against other people and Christians, how to think about resolving problems with others, asking ourselves if we are seeking justice or retribution, and more!

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Preparing for Easter: Hope for Restoration
Easter Brady Randall Easter Brady Randall

Preparing for Easter: Hope for Restoration

Have you ever blown it? I mean really blown it? And as a result, filled with regret, shame, and disappointment. The people of Israel knew what that was like. God repeatedly told them He would be their God and they would be His people. And yet, because of their continual idolatry and sin, God exiled them to Babylon.

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Imagined Jesus #2 - Political Jesus
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Imagined Jesus #2 - Political Jesus

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues along in the Gospel of John and arrives at the trial of Jesus and looks at how the upheaval that the disciples went through can remind us that when our status and security is challenged, it's an opportunity to return to the Lord.

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10 Opportunities for Christians During the Coronavirus Crisis
Culture Brady Randall Culture Brady Randall

10 Opportunities for Christians During the Coronavirus Crisis

The Coronavirus and its impact will be with us now and reverberate well into the future. Drastic measures have been taken all over the globe trying to manage this pandemic. Rather than trying to explain what God’s rationale may or may not be, I wanted to share some opportunities that God may be giving His followers.

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Imagined Jesus #1 - Dashboard Jesus
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Imagined Jesus #1 - Dashboard Jesus

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund begins a new series called Imagined Jesus teaching out of the final chapters of the Gospel of John and this week looks at some ways we treat Jesus like a dashboard trinket in our car.

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What is a Discerning Heart?
Christian Living Russ Brasher Christian Living Russ Brasher

What is a Discerning Heart?

I was seven years old when the movie Aladdin came out in 1992. I wanted so bad to find a special lamp that within it lived a magical “Genie” who would grant me three wishes of my choosing. If I am honest, there is still a part of me today that would love to find this long-lost lamp and get to wish for things. 

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Make Much of God
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Make Much of God

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks through Romans and several other examples in the Bible to find the importance of public worship and what God intends for us.

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