Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Who is Jesus Anyway?
I want to pose a simple question today. Who was and is Jesus Christ? It is a controversial question because most people have an opinion on who Jesus was. In fact, this was one of the questions he posed to his disciples. “Who do YOU say that I am?”
Boasting in the Name of the Lord (Psalm 20 Devotional)
How often do we boast in the name of the Lord? Obviously in church we do. It’s the place for it. But in the rest of the week, are we boasting in the Lord? If we are honest, most of us would say, not very often.
The Golden Thread: A Biblical Perspective on Mental Health
Mental health is the ‘golden thread’ that intertwines each facet of our lives. The repercussions of poor mental health can have negative implications on a person’s family, job, marriage, parenting decisions, school, and daily responsibilities. So, what does the Bible have to say about it?
Ask a Pastor Ep. 106 - White Questions for a Black Man
This episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, sits down with John Fuller to have a conversation about the history of race relations in America from someone who grew up in the Jim Crow south, what has changed for the better, things that the country and individuals still need to work on, and more!
Empowered Manhood (Part 2)
Hiding in the dark, whether it was by myself or with someone else, gave me permission to do things I would never consider doing in the light which caused me to live my life out of the fear of being found out, handicapping my faith. But men living empowered by the light have three characteristics in their relationship with God.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 105 - Why Orchard Hill Uses the NIV Bible Translation
This episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, sits down with Butler County Campus Pastor, Brady Randall, to have a conversation around Bible translations, what the differences are between the many translations, why Orchard Hill Church has decided to use the NIV, and more!
S.T.O.P - The Importance of Having Gospel Conversations
The primary thing on my heart during this time was praying and asking God to heal this individual so that I could stop and have one more conversation, that they could hear the Gospel and be asked the same question, “Do you believe this?”
Ask a Pastor Ep. 104 - Objections and the Abortion Debate
This episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, sits down with Life Stage Pastors, Emily DeAngelo and Josiah Leuenberger, to have a conversation about the abortion debate in our country, personal stories in relation to abortion, how to answer specific objections to choosing life over abortion, and more!
Put God First in Your Life (Psalm 19 Devotional)
God cares not just about outward appearance, but about the heart. ‘For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance. The Lord looks for the heart.’ He sees the core of who we are. He knows us more deeply than we can ever know ourselves. God wants your hearts - all of it.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 103 - Current Events and End Time Prophecy
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, and Middle School Ministry Leader, Jenette Cline, sit down to have a conversation about the end times, how current events are setting the stage biblical prophecy to be fulfilled, how we as Christians can remain unafraid in the midst of these events, and more!
Tips for Personal Bible Study
When we open God’s word, we give Him the opportunity to speak to us in a life-changing way as the Holy Spirit communicates God’s truth to our hearts and minds. In this blog, I’d like to share a general framework and a few tips that I have found helpful personally in my own times of Bible study.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 102 - Evangelism vs. Discipleship
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Director of Student Ministry, Russ Brasher, and Director of Young Adult Ministry, Josiah Leuenberger, to have a conversation about the difference between evangelism and discipleship, how to balance pursing both as a christian in your personal life and as a church community, and more!