Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
What Does Sanctification Mean?
Each month we will look at a word or phrase related to Christian theology, define it, give background about the theology behind the word, and what it means for us today. This month’s word is Sanctification and how we as Christians become more like Christ through this process.
God Will Instruct the Sinner’s Way (Psalm 25 Devotional)
Cicero once said that thankfulness was the mother of all virtues. As important as thankfulness is though, I believe that it is actually humility that lies at the core of all virtues. Our realization that there is a God is the beginning of humility.
Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?
What Does Atonement Mean?
Each month we will look at a word or phrase related to Christian theology, define it, give background about the theology behind the word, and what it means for us today. This month’s word is Atonement and the idea of Justification before God.
Books for Every Christian’s Home Library
Asking someone who loves to read and owns a wall of books in her home library to compose a blog that contains the essential books for every Christian’s library is like requesting a favorite recipe from a chef. But here are a handful of specific titles that I think every Christian ought to have in their home library.
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
One of my favorite stories that my Dad shares from when we were little is about how he used to sleep on the floor, at the top of the stairwell in our home, to keep us safe. This story stirs deep emotion in me because it gives me a striking picture of a father’s sacrifice.
Who is the King of Glory? (Psalm 24 Devotional)
We often think of Jesus in light of His unglorified humanity. And we should. He was, after all fully human. But part of Him was veiled to us. During His time here on Earth we only caught short glimpses of who He really was.
Perspectives Podcast - Family Devotional Time
In this episode, Brady Randall, Dan Sheilds, and Jenna Bajuszik have a conversation about having devotional time as a family, what their experiences were growing up, what they do with their kids now, and more!
The Meaning of Saturday
In a moment, everything went dark. With a cry, the world fell silent. The curtain was torn. The Son of God was dead. For Christians, this is one of history's darkest days. For those who followed Jesus during His ministry, there could only be one question on their minds: "Is all hope lost?" Then, it was Saturday.
Perspectives Podcast - The Death Penalty
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, and Russ Brasher have a conversation about the death penalty, some of the different perspectives our culture and Christians have, what the Bible has to say about the topic, and more!