Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 87 - Should a Christian Sue Someone?
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and corporate attorney Krista Thompson sit down to have a conversation about if Christians should sue or bring lawsuits against other people and Christians, how to think about resolving problems with others, asking ourselves if we are seeking justice or retribution, and more!

Preparing for Easter: Hope for Restoration
Have you ever blown it? I mean really blown it? And as a result, filled with regret, shame, and disappointment. The people of Israel knew what that was like. God repeatedly told them He would be their God and they would be His people. And yet, because of their continual idolatry and sin, God exiled them to Babylon.

Preparing for Easter: Mercy for the Brokenhearted
After reading Psalm 147 over and over again, my absolute favorite part is the centrality of praising the Lord. But, in all honesty, when I feel the most broken, the last thing I think about or want to do is praise God.

Preparing for Easter: Are Grace and Truth Incongruent?
Oreos topped with Cheese Wiz. What an incongruent pairing! Many people feel the same way about grace and truth, yet John reminds us here in the opening words of his gospel that Jesus brought these two elements together in unity.

10 Opportunities for Christians During the Coronavirus Crisis
The Coronavirus and its impact will be with us now and reverberate well into the future. Drastic measures have been taken all over the globe trying to manage this pandemic. Rather than trying to explain what God’s rationale may or may not be, I wanted to share some opportunities that God may be giving His followers.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 86 - National Crisis & the Spiritual Journey
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Josiah Leuenberger sit down to have a conversation about national crises affect our spiritual journey, dealing with pain in the world when it comes near to us, facing death in this world, and how to live a sense of mission during difficult times.

What is a Discerning Heart?
I was seven years old when the movie Aladdin came out in 1992. I wanted so bad to find a special lamp that within it lived a magical “Genie” who would grant me three wishes of my choosing. If I am honest, there is still a part of me today that would love to find this long-lost lamp and get to wish for things.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 85 - A Christian Response to the Coronavirus
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Dr. Terry Thomas sit down to have a conversation about the coronavirus, how Christians should respond to the situation and how the church can love people through it.

Am I Good Enough for God? (Psalm 15 Devotional)
Psalm 15 lists some attributes of one who could live with God forever. Looking down the list I realize quickly I fall short in most all of them. We desire to be people worthy of climbing God’s holy hill but see in this list we are not.

Walking in Worship Ep. 4 - How to Worship a King: Chapter 2 (Part 2)
This episode, Dan Shields, Chris Jamison and David Bowens sit down to continue their conversation on chapter 2 of Zach Neese's book, "How to Worship a King". Follow the link below to purchase Zach's book and follow along with our discussion.

Homesick - Feeling Like a Stranger in Our Fallen Culture
If you’ve ever felt like a stranger in our fallen culture or have had to transition to any kind of newness, you know all too well that your beliefs and missing the familiar can prick your heart into feeling homesick.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 83 - Being a Christian in the Workplace
This episode, Joel Haldeman, Amy Haldeman, and Anita Harnish sit down to have a conversation about being a Christian in the workplace as entrepreneurs, setting boundaries between work and home life, dealing with making work or money an idol, and more!

Sex Isn't Enough - A Biblical Perspective on Sexuality
This week at the dinner table we were trying to explain to our kids where babies come from. Oy. Pray for us. This will be an interesting road! But the conversations are essential because we want our kids to catch a biblical perspective on sexuality, not a 2020 cultural perspective on sexuality.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 82 - The Dangers of Consumerism
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and George Palombo sit down to have a conversation about the idea of consumerism and materialism, what it means in our culture, the dangers for society, and Christians, socialism vs capitalism, and more.